ūnit-14 Headset

Construction of Found Objects, 2022

ūnit-14 is a headset comprised of Mago’s signature mechanical arrangement technique. The artist’s association with 0214 derives from her birth date, February 14th. The minimalist, heart-shaped symbolism not only reminds audiences of this crucial date, but also evokes upon the notion of how her art is an expression of the love she has received and the love that her community has built.

//: Field Notes

The following log is a transcription of a conversation between ŪNIT-dymonmilk and ŪNIT-14. [Record 220712]

How long did this piece take?

For a headset with the most minimalist design, it took the longest time… a month between commencement and completion. I had the idea for the silhouette early on but found it difficult to get into the right headspace to keep making this piece.

I’d pick it up one day, stare at it, and put it down. Then, a few days or a week would pass. That sense of calmness and grounding… it never seemed to arrive.

How do the materials/medium used in this piece reflect the pilot?

ūnit-14 still uses Gundam parts, but I ended up incorporating materials from other toys and household items in it. In contrast with ūnit-02, it’s more centered around home, self, and humanity. By being able to utilise these foreign components, ŪNIT-14’s creativity really shines through.

What word or emotion do you want to invoke through this piece, and how does the piece do that?


As always, the use of symbols is important here. My life is driven by love, and I wanted to create a piece that reminds me to listen to my heart.

What was your mental state like when working on this piece? Do you think it hindered or aided the process/result?

The reason why this piece in particular took so long was because I couldn’t find myself in the right headspace to make it. Life seemed too fast-paced, pressure was rising, there was always something to worry about online. So, I would procrastinate completing it.

Although motivated to see the final product, I felt it would betray my purpose of expression if I were to work on this piece while feeling anxious. I wanted the memories associated with creating it to be full of tranquility, grounding, and love. I expressed this to my friend, who then suggested I should listen to music that encourages me to feel that way. So, I did.

I made a playlist and listened for a few days then got back to working on it. I’d listen to that playlist even during my free time. That helped with my process a lot, and I’m sure the amount of care translates to the final product.


ūnit-02 Headset


protoype.red Headset